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Author: P Turner
This was my first metal puzzle and I was able to solve it in less that 30 minutes which was very satisfying.
Seeing how it functions once open was really interesting, reassembling the puzzle was a little tricky as it turned out I didn't fully grasp how the mechanism functioned.
Now I'm up to speed I really enjoy this puzzle.........First Cylinder has just been ordered too.
Author: Alexander Cutler
I've been trying to obtain this puzzle for years, having already got the Sweta Cross (which is FANTASTIC!).
At first I was worried this might be samey - but no - apart from looking like another swiss cross - there is no puzzling similarities between the First Cross puzzle and Will Strijbos's equally brilliant Sweta Cross puzzle.
Indeed this edition seems to have improved over the original (several years ago) with brass inserts rather than steel, which adds a panache to the design. And because it is so wonderfully made, it is a puzzle that delights on being solved and resolved many times - as a sort of sophisticated fidget process.
Indeed solving it, and then understanding why you've solved it, and indeed re-assembling it properly are all joys with this puzzle.
Thoroughly recommended.