As a business that imports and exports around the world, we understand that we have an impact on the environment in which we live and believe we have a responsibility to ensure that we continue to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our business practises.


We use two service providers for import and export. Royal Mail and DHL. Where possible a carbon neutral service is provided for customers, and the majority of our imports from suppliers are also carbon neutral. 


All packaging items purchased by JP GAMES LTD are made from 100% recycled paper/cardboard. If you receive parcels that contain packaging that is not, we have reused or repurposed it already.  Please help us and reuse our packaging in the future if possible. 


We're proud of the quality and craftmanship of the products that we source. Our curated collection of premium cards, puzzles and more are the very definition of heirloom. Absolutely nothing we sell is a throw-away, single use item. We want our products to be used and cherished for years. 

Carbon Offsetting 

Our longer term aim is to be carbon neutral, in the short term to offset some of this impact we work with Ecologi & Stripe (our card processing provider) to provide climate contributions - you can view our profile and progress for Stripe here, and Ecologi below. 

We plant trees with Ecologi