Every Spinning Top that leaves their hands to become part of your life - and we mean every single on..
Created by David Fowler of Physics Hack and proudly made in the UK. The Vortex Dome is a b..
A new keychain size version of the popular Mezmocoin spinning toy that creates a mind-bending optica..
Aroundsquare's Hydra Begleri are a fun yet highly adept modern adaptation of the traditional Greek m..
The Greys are a small, nimble, technical begleri design developed by Ilya (@slingthe0ry) Indrulinas ..
The latest iteration of the Mezmocoin from Mezmotoys features a neat wavy structure on its surface. ..
Four heavy steel pieces interlock to create a modern masterpiece of mechanical puzzles. Elegant, cha..
Vorso Tops are engineered to perfection, precision machined to the tightest tolerances. Designe..
A gorgeous stress relieving kinetic sculpture inspired by math and the Fibonacci sequence. Square wa..
Perfectly balanced coin size spinner that seemingly levitates on the surface of your desktop. P..
There is something inherently fascinating about gyroscopes that captivate almost anybody who observe..
Pocket sized spinning toy that creates a mind-bending optical illusion of continuously flowing spira..
A rattleback creates one of the most inexplicable phenomena in the world of science. Measuring 10cm ..