Zak is the third in the smily series from demonticon series from Rademic. Each has its own story whi..
Made in the Czech Republic from stainless steel and bronze, Rademic presents the latest pu..
The AXIS is a modern variant on the classic Hedgehog in the Cage puzzle, released in 2016 by Radek M..
Inspired by Jules Verne and his trilogy, a new puzzle NEMO. Designed and made in the Czech Republic ..
Scarlett is the latest in demonticon series from Rademic. Each has its own story which is only ..
Stella is the second in the smily series from Rademic, called Demonticons. Each Demonticon..
Made in the Czech Republic from stainless steel and bronze, Rademic presents a new puzzle ..
Made in the Czech Republic from stainless steel and bronze, Rademic present a new metal pu..
Novel is an authentic depiction of Hedgehog from the Shadow Trilogy. Radek Micopulos reproduced..
Another superb (and challenging) variant of the Hedgehog in a Cage from Rademic. The aim as always i..
ANTIQ is inspired by an illustration from the magazine Mladý hlasatel (1940). The cage is made from ..
Made in the Czech Republic from stainless steel, the HEXA cage was originally contained within ..
FANTOM is a one piece solid cage measuring 47x80 mm made from polished stainless steel.Rademic relea..
The Hexahog combines two types of puzzles. The HEXA cage contains a removable puzzle "HEXXA" which i..
A world-famous puzzle, made by Radek Micopulos in the Czech Republic. The Hedgehog in the cage ..