From 1913-1922, Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan. For decades this landmark served as an architectural icon for the city, during which time it survived several devastating earthquakes until it was demolished in 1968. Fortunately, the main entrance and hotel lobby were preserved and reconstructed in 1968 at the Museum Meiji-mura, an open-air architectural museum and theme park near Nagoya in Aichi prefecture, Japan.
In celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Imperial Hotel, the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation has partnered with Art of Play to design a commemorative pack of playing cards based on Wright’s original drawings. Meticulously Illustrated by Ethan Kowaleski in close collaboration with Brad Fulton and Dan & Dave Buck.
Brand Art of play Printer Us playing card company Material Premium card stock Size Poker
Founded in 2013 by twin brothers dan and dave buck.
an early interest in sleight of hand magic led to success as designers and producers of playing cards. the buck twins pioneered the art of cardistry and helped to create an international community of innovative practitioners. by their mid-20s they had developed a globally-recognised brand with a passionate fan base.